InCHIP Media Mentions UConn Today Features InCHIP, School of Nursing Biobehavioral Research Lab Partner to Support Pilot Research on Behavioral, Biological Connections View all UConn Today headlines UConn Study of Hashtag – #childhoodcancer – Shows Families Leading the Conversation Picturing the Pandemic External Media Mentions Hartford Courant: Should Gun Makers and Dealers be Held Responsible for Crimes? CT Bill Would Make it So View all external media mentions CT Public: How We Remember the COVID-19 Pandemic USA Today: Tanning Salons Reinvent Themselves with New Health and Wellness Services Principal Investigator Spotlights Amanda Denes: Studying how cancer affects intimacy and communication. Rachel Cohen: Working with CTOEC to Support CT Families Raymond Moody: Studying link between HIV risk, drug use, and stigma. InCHIP Lecture Series: Theresa Betancourt, Boston College Salem Professor of Global Practice Debarchana Ghosh: Received funds to investigate cancer disparities among African Americans. Deb Fein: Develops solutions for parents of children with autism diagnoses. InCHIP Lecture Series: David R. Holtgrave, Senior Policy Analyst at the White House Office of National Drug Control Policy. Natalie J. Shook: Researches factors that affect attitudes, behavior, and health. Na Zhang: Researches mindfulness and its effects within the context of families. Roman Shrestha: Researches HIV and substance use interventions in minority groups. Kay Simon: Researches the experiences of LGBTQ+ youth and their health outcomes. Valerie Duffy: Researches how people’s taste in food can influence their diets. Lisa Bulter: Aims to improve HIV treatment and prevention and maternal and child health. Eilon Caspi: Researches elder abuse and neglect in long-term care facilities with an eye toward prevention. Ryan Watson: Researches sexual and gender minority (SGM) populations–with a focus on SGM young adults of color.