InCHIP offers easily accessible support for career and research development at no cost to UConn Faculty and students.
InCHIP is a “one-stop-shop” for training, mentorship, research team development, and grant proposal writing for UConn investigators at all stages of their careers, from graduate students to tenured faculty. We offer many services that range from workshops, one-on-one consultations, pilot funding, and more.
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Find Funding or Build Your Team.
Get Feedback on a Proposal
Internal Funding Opportunities
Grant Writing Training
InCHIP’s NIH R-Series Boot Camp
The R-Series Boot Camp is a multifaceted program designed to help faculty members receive their first R-series grant from the National Institutes of Health (NIH). Senior faculty with strong track records of NIH funding will guide groups of mentees through the proposal development process, while peers will provide support and feedback.
Mentees will benefit from early input on research aims to ensure they are addressing significant, innovative, and fundable questions. They will identify needed resources and potential collaborators, and make pre-proposal contact with NIH program officers. They will learn “tricks of the trade” from UConn faculty with significant NIH experience.
Find Funding or Build Your Team
Targeted Funding Searches
InCHIP’s research development team can work with UConn Faculty to build a targeted list of external funding mechanisms. These funding searches can be project-specific or can be based on broad research agendas or career development/training needs.
Build Connections & Collaborate
InCHIP’s research development team also provides a range of services dedicated to helping researchers build connections across UConn, and facilitating the development of innovative, interdisciplinary research programs. Services include:
- Preparing a list of possible faculty collaborators for a specific research topic or funding opportunity
- Providing feedback and templates for team management sections for grant proposals
- Conducting a review of previously funded grants in a research area
- Coordinating meetings with potential collaborators, and providing required technical support (e.g., conference call lines, video conferencing)
- Providing team building support, including the development of team expectations
- Promoting research findings on InCHIP website and social media accounts
- Organizing workshops to develop research collaborations
- Managing the development of research teams
If you would like to utilize any of the services listed above or have questions please contact Avinash Mishra, PhD at
Get Feedback on a Proposal
InCHIP offers two mechanisms for those interested in receiving feedback on a proposal before submission: one is internal and the other external.
Internal Review
InCHIP coordinates the review by a panel of senior investigators with intersecting expertise and significant funding experience. Internal review panels can be convened informally, they can provide feedback on a final draft of a proposal or at earlier stages of the project development process (such as during the development of specific aims). InCHIP’s research development team will work with you to identify and coordinate panelists who can best speak to your proposal.
Time Considerations: It is recommended that panelists receive the proposal at least one month before the funding opportunities deadline. This allows for the panelists to read and provide recommendations on the proposal and for the proposal writer to have sufficient time to incorporate the feedback.
External Review
InCHIP also facilitates and pays for the external review of proposals. The process is pretty simple- the service user identifies someone to review their proposal and works with InCHIP’s Director to coordinate the review. InCHIP will in turn pay an honorarium to the external party for their review.
For external review, users need to identify the reviewer. This person should be a topical expert that has ideally acted as a reviewer and has experience with the funder. For NIH-based opportunities, a good way to find someone is by using the NIH Reporter matchmaker feature. Just copy all or part of the specific aims into the text box. It will provide a list of PI’s/projects that have been funded using similar phrases/words.
Time Considerations: It is recommended that proposals be sent to external reviewers at least one month before the funding opportunities deadline. This allows the reviewer to have enough time to provide feedback and for the proposal writer to have sufficient time to incorporate the feedback.
If you would like to utilize any of the services listed above or have questions please contact Avinash Mishra, PhD at
Internal Funding Opportunities
InCHIP hosts several annual competitions for seed grants. The purpose of these competitions is to provide pilot and seed grant resources to investigators to stimulate new research in health behavior change at UConn of the type and quality likely to lead to additional external funding.