InCHIP Writing Policy Briefs Virtual Workshop Feedback Survey Thank you for attending our virtual workshop on writing effective policy briefs. This survey is an opportunity for you to provide feedback about the event so we can make improvements and develop future programming. How would you rate this workshop? Excellent Good Average Poor Please specify How did the workshop compare to your expectations? Exceeded expectations Met expectations Did not meet expectations Please specify How did you learn about this workshop? Social media InCHIP Digest UConn Daily Digest Newsletter InCHIP website From a colleague UConn events calendar Other Please specify What did you like about this workshop?How can InCHIP improve this workshop?What workshops would you be interested in attending in the future? Disseminating research to practitioners Working with the media Writing op-eds Other Select AllPlease specify What services can InCHIP provide to assist you in this space?NameThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.