NIH Grant Writing Pre-Workshop Survey What is your career stage? Graduate Student Early-career faculty (Assistant Professor) Mid-career faculty (Associate Professor) Experienced faculty (Professor) Have you submitted a proposal to NIH before? Yes No How would you rate your readiness to submit a proposal to the NIH? Very ready Somewhat ready Neutral Not at all ready How confident are you in the submission application process? Very confident Somewhat confident Neutral Not at all confident What components of the application process do you feel most confident about? Select all that apply. Identifying the correct Funding Opportunity Announcement Interacting with the program officer Writing a research strategy and specific aims Timeline for submission Other Please specify below:What components of the application process do you feel least confident about? Select all that apply. Identifying the correct Funding Opportunity Announcement Interacting with the program officer Writing a research strategy and specific aims Timeline for submission Other Please specify below:When do you intend to submit your proposal? 6 months 8 months 12 months 18 months Not sure What do you hope to gain from this workshop? EmailThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.