InCHIP Methodology and Health Networking Event
Quick Facts:
- What: InCHIP is hosting an in-person networking event for UConn faculty interested in building connections or projects that focus on the utilization of advanced methodological approaches to answer research questions that will inform public health interventions and outcomes.
- When & Where: March 1st from 10am to 12pm EST at J. Ray Ryan Building on Storrs Campus.
- RSVP: Please RSVP below by the end of Tuesday, February 27th 2024.
- Slides for Presentations: Due by the end of Tuesday, February 27th 2024
On March 1st, 2024, InCHIP is hosting a Networking Event aimed at connecting health researchers with UConn-based methodologists.This event will bring together UConn faculty from across the university to connect in person to discuss potential new avenues of research and provide a space for building a community in this area at UConn.
Event Structure:
Methodologists and their labs will give 5-minute long lightning round talks where they will give an overview of their areas of expertise, their lab team members, and a brief overview of past projects and potential applications for their methodological approach. After presentations, methodologists and attending health researchers will be encouraged to connect over light refreshments.
Who Should attend?
- Methodologists- we invite presentations from researchers whose expertise is primarily in research methodology. We invite participants with any methodological approach including but not limited to quantitative, qualitative, experimental design, assessment, evaluation, and mixed methods. Methodologists are encouraged to present their portfolio if you have never taken part in a health-related application of your work.
- Health Researchers - we invite attendance from researchers working in human health-related research including but not limited to those working in the social sciences, applied health sciences, medicine, humanities, and engineering. Faculty working in these spaces will be encouraged to consider projects and opportunities that leverage the approaches articulated by the methodologists who present during the first part of the event.
Internal Funding Opportunity
Networking attendees will be eligible for an internal funding opportunity for new collaborations between health researchers and UConn-based methodologists. The funding opportunity announcement will be announced at the event and be posted on this page at that time. We will also have a comprehensive directory of participants after the event.
Guidelines for Presentations:
- Length of presentation: Presentations on individuals will be afforded 5 minutes. Presentations of Labs/research teams will be given 7 minutes to present. We recommend you prepare no more than 4-5 slides.
- What Topics Should be Covered? Your first slide should include your lab name, the names of team members, and your home department. The next slides should provide a quick overview of your/your lab's methodological foci (including your disciplinary background and the methods spaces you work in). You can also provide a quick review of recent/significant past projects (what topics did they cover?), funding you've received (what agencies?), as well as some ideas for future projects you'd like to highlight. Make sure to include contact information and urls for your lab.
- Tone and Science Communication: Given the number of disciplines involved in this event, we encourage presentations be as approachable as possible so that those outside of your specific field can understand it. This should resemble the style of communication one may take teaching a seminar to first year graduate students.
Slides should be emailed to Greidy Miralles (greidy.miralles@uconn.edu) by February 27th 2024 at the end of day.
Have Questions?
Reach out to:
Grace Morris
Director of Research Training & Development
Email: grace.morris@uconn.edu
Greidy Miralles
Research Development Assistant
Email: greidy.miralles@uconn.edu