InCHIP Lecture Series RSVP: Susan D. Brown, Ph.D., FSBM

Susan D. Brown, Ph.D., FSBM, University of California, Davis
Topic: Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Recruitment and Retention of Research Participants
May 1, 2025 | 12:30 PM | WebEx

Dr. Susan D. Brown is an Associate Professor of Internal Medicine at the University of California, Davis School of Medicine. Her research focuses on behavioral interventions for diabetes and cardiovascular disease prevention, particularly among diverse maternal populations. Her work targets engagement in preventive healthcare services, healthy eating, physical activity, and weight management behaviors; and engagement in clinical research itself, such as strategies to improve the representation of racial and ethnic minorities in randomized clinical trials. She leads several programs to advance mentoring excellence and support emerging scholars from underrepresented backgrounds in behavioral prevention research.