December 9, 2021 | Khira Francis, Biological Sciences, Journalism program Class of 2021
Eilon Caspi, PhD centers his research on elder abuse and neglect in long-term care facilities with an eye toward prevention.
Dr. Eilon Caspi is an assistant research professor at the Institute for Collaboration on Health, Intervention, and Policy (InCHIP). His research focuses on different forms of elder mistreatment in long-term care homes.
A recent project of Dr. Caspi’s focuses on the outcomes associated with the neglect of elders in care facilities. In this study, he examines how the sequence of neglectful events lead to injuries or deaths of elders. These events are unfortunately common in long-term care homes. Through this work, he aims to inform the development of prevention strategies.

In another project, Dr. Caspi examines the circumstances surrounding fatal resident-to-resident incidents. The incidents usually occur when the emotional, medical, and other human needs of residents with dementia are not met. Dr. Caspi recently authored a book, “Understanding Preventing Incidents Between Residents with Dementia” (Health Professions Press), and co-directed a documentary, “Fighting for Dignity” (Terra Nova Films), on this prevalent and harmful phenomenon.
New directions in his research include a collaboration with Purdue University examining the theft of opioid pain medications from residents living in nursing homes and assisted living residences.
Dr. Caspi founded Dementia Behavior Consulting, LLC, a company providing guidance to family members and care professionals supporting and caring for elders living with dementia who display distressing behavioral expressions in the community and long-term care homes.
“The ultimate goal of my research program is to inform care practices and policies that will enable vulnerable and frail elders to realize the human right to live in safe long-term care homes,” said Dr. Caspi.
More information on Dr. Caspi’s work can be found here. Information about his new book can be found here.“Fighting for Dignity” can be viewed here. Information about his consulting company can be found here.