Speed Networking Event

This event has been postponed until further notice. If you have already registered, we will update you with the new date and location as soon as they are confirmed.

EMpowering and Building Emerging Research (EMBER) Collaborations

InCHIP and the School of Engineering are hosting an in-person networking event on Thursday, November 17, 2022, which aims to connect SOE faculty with UConn’s health research community to build awareness and ultimately new collaborations to improve human health.

The practice of medicine is changing. At near breakneck speed, scientists are developing new biomedical technologies to solve the world's most critical health conditions and diseases. These technologies – which reflect multiple paradigm shifts in biology, genetics, computer science, engineering, and medicine that have occurred in just the last 30 years – aim to revolutionize and personalize medical treatments. And while these advances provide solutions to longstanding and novel health conditions, we have emerged from two years of the COVID-19 pandemic with a clear sense that human behavior, social interaction, and inequality still play an enormous role in the health outcomes of humans.

Given these factors, how can faculty at the University of Connecticut collaborate to address these challenges and improve human health both in CT and beyond?

Join us and be a part of the solution.

We hope this will be a low-key and fun chance to meet colleagues beyond your field who you would not otherwise meet. Ultimately, we hope this event will help you to identify shared research interests, collaborate and develop projects with your new connections.

Event Details

Led by: InCHIP and the School of Engineering
When: Thursday, November 17, 2022 | 9:30AM-12PM (lunch served at 11:30 and open networking after speed networking)
Location: Engineering Science Building Glass House Storrs Campus
Intended Audience: UConn Faculty

Lunch will be provided.

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