Directions to InCHIP

InCHIP is located in the J. Ray Ryan Building at the University of Connecticut, 2006 Hillside Road, Unit 1248, Storrs, CT 06269-1248. We are in the middle of Alumni Quad near South Campus and the Graduate Hotel.

UConn Interactive Map/Directions

Driving directions to UConn and the South Parking Garage

From South/West (Hartford)

Take I-84 East to Exit 68 in Tolland. At the end of the exit ramp, turn right and follow 195 South for about 7 miles to UConn. (You will see the intersection of Routes 195 and 32 after approximately 4 miles, the intersection of Routes 195 and 44 after another 2 miles, and then campus after another 1 mile.)

Turn right onto North Eagleville Road, and follow it until you get to the intersection with Hillside Road (there is a light at this intersection). Turn left onto Hillside Road, and follow it until you get to Gampel Pavilion on the right. Turn right after Gampel Pavilion to go to the South Parking Garage. Park in the garage.

From the Northeast (Boston)

Take Interstate 84 West to Exit 68. At the end of the exit ramp, turn left onto Route 195, and follow 195 South for about 7 miles to UConn.

(You will see the intersection of Routes 195 and 32 after approximately 4 miles, the intersection of Routes 195 and 44 after another 2 miles, and then campus after another 1 mile.)

Turn right onto North Eagleville Road, and follow it until you get to the intersection with Hillside Road (there is a light at this intersection). Turn left onto Hillside Road, and follow it until you get to Gampel Pavilion on the right. Turn right after Gampel Pavilion to go to the South Parking Garage. Park in the garage.

Click on “Directions” in the interactive map below to get customized directions from your starting point to InCHIP:

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Walking directions from the South Parking Garage to InCHIP

Come out of the South Parking Garage and walk to the front of the UConn Bookstore and take a right. You will be on Hillside Road heading south. Walk to the first stop sign (2 blocks). You will be at the intersection of Hillside Road and Gilbert Road.

Kitty corner from you on the right side of Gilbert Road will be a group of dormitories (Alumni Quad). Enter into the quad starting from the diagonal pathway at the corner of Hillside and Gilbert. Continue on this pathway towards the dorms.

You will see J. Ray Ryan Building on your right and Elmer S. Watson Hall on your left. Walk under the underpass on the sidewalk between those buildings. Once you are through the underpass, you will come to an intersection of sidewalks (Richard Belden Hall will be directly in front of you). Turn right so that the J. Ray Ryan Building is on your right. Take your first right into the Institute for Collaboration on Health, Intervention, and Policy (InCHIP) entrance.

Map corresponding to the above walking directions: