InCHIP Room Reservation Request Form InCHIP Room Reservation Request Form The information below is required to request InCHIP meeting space for a one-time event or meeting. If you want to reserve space for a recurring meeting, please scroll to the appropriate form. Please note that course-related meetings are not permitted. Please fill out the following form. Once your request is reviewed, you will be contacted by an InCHIP administrative staff member. Name(Required) First Last Email(Required) What is your association with InCHIP?(Required) I am affiliated with InCHIP UConn employee or student N/A Department/Center/Institute/School(Required)Please tell us about yourself:(Required) Faculty Staff Research Scientist Research Associate/Assistant Graduate Student Undergraduate Student Other Please describe your position:(Required)Department/Center/Institute/School(Required)Please provide details about the event (presentation, workshop, etc.)(Required)Requested Date(Required) MM slash DD slash YYYY Start Time:(Required) Hours : Minutes AM PM AM/PM End Time:(Required) Hours : Minutes AM PM AM/PM Anticipated number of in-person attendees?(Required)Anticipated number of remote attendees?(Required)Please note that we require 14 Days Notice for IT Support. Please indicate if you need any of the following:(Required) Remote Participation (Webex) Recording Capabilities Polycom Conference Phone None EmailThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.