InCHIP IT Support

Inchip it support


InCHIP Principal Investigators (those with active funding) and their teams are eligible to receive IT support from InCHIP. Below is an overview of the services available and the best means of contacting InCHIP IT. If you have any specific questions or issues please don’t hesitate to reach out to Josh Hardin.

Information Technology Support

InCHIP IT services include:

  • Desktop troubleshooting and Support
  • Software/Application Installation
  • Help with remote access (including remote desktop and VPN)
  • Workstation setup (including connecting to network drives)
  • Desktop & Mobile Platform Deployment

Request InCHIP IT Support

Joshua HardinComputer Support Specialist 1

If you need to access InCHIP IT support, please submit requests through

Request Support

Proposal Preparation Support

In addition to the support above, PI’s in the process of preparing a budget that includes technology related items and/or services are able to utilize InCHIP IT services to acquire estimates and quotes for technology-solutions.

Need a quote on new hardware or software?

Submit a request via the form below:

Which of the following best represents your role:(Required)

If you're not sure what you need exactly, describe the problem you're hoping to solve via technology.
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